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          Hemiplegia nursing simulation device

          1. Can personally feel the life of hemiplegia patients in order to morescientific clinical care of hemiplegia patients

          2. The simulation suit is designed according to the physiologicalchanges of hemiplegia patients

          3. Wearing hemiplegia nursing simulation suit can experience left andright upper limb hemiplegia

          4. Velcro fixation stiffens the upper limb joints and simulates hemiplegia.The elastic band can be adjusted for tightness

          5. Cooperate with crutches to experience the importance of crutches

          6. The shoes of this model are specially designed for the elderly and thedisabled

          7. Standard Configuration:

          ①1 set of vest

          ②1 set of folding walking stick

          ③1 knee protector

          ④1 pair of non-slip shoes

          ⑤1 Handbag

          ⑥1 fixation device for elbow, ankle and knee

          All rights reserved.  YinChuan ErXin Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd
          TEL:0086-0951-5989553     FAX:0086-0951-5989553    Email:marytrade@live.cn
          ADD: Room 104 Shop No.30 Lijing Street North Street Xingqing District Yinchuan City Ningxia
          Specialized in CPR manikin,medical education model,human anatomical model,human skeleton model.
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