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          Subcutaneous Implantation Arm Model

          1. Model is designed for training of subcutaneous embeddingcontraceptive (left acetylene progesterone silicon rods).

          2. Life like texture, the central of arm contains a foam plasticcylinder to simulate arm subcutaneous tissue, the skin andconnected subcutaneous tissue cylinder can rotate along thearm.

          3. Allowing to repeated operation, the skin and rods arereplaceable


          All rights reserved.  YinChuan ErXin Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd
          TEL:0086-0951-5989553     FAX:0086-0951-5989553    Email:marytrade@live.cn
          ADD: Room 104 Shop No.30 Lijing Street North Street Xingqing District Yinchuan City Ningxia
          Specialized in CPR manikin,medical education model,human anatomical model,human skeleton model.
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